Community Champion Award
The commonsku Community Champion Award recognizes a distributor or supplier in the skummunity who gives selflessly, shares their ideas freely, offers a creative idea, a lending hand, always ready with a smile and a solution. They exemplify standards of the modern entrepreneur: Be human, help others, and believe in the power of giving.
Distributor Entrepreneur of the Year
Grit. Hustle. Perseverance. Resilience. Creativity. From adversity to breakthrough, this distributor embodies today’s modern, entrepreneurial spirit and whose growth journey inspires us all to reach deep and go big.
Shops Innovation Leader Award
This distributor is leading the pack when it comes to driving sales growth through the creative uses of ecommerce Shops for their end clients. They excel at brilliant Shop creation, stellar marketing, and leveraging Shops for accelerated sales growth!
Supplier Connected Workflow Award
A modern mover and shaker, this supplier is at the cutting edge of business process, understanding that to connect the entire workflow - from ideation to final electronic PO to inventory and ship notifications - means a seamless experience, faster and more accurate orders, and a simpler life for their customers.
Social Assets
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skummunity Award Winners Over The Years…
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